Thursday, April 16, 2020


Some parents have asked for a copy of the project template so here are links and the instructions. [#5 - was already covered in an earlier post = see Archive posts]

LINK to the project's > Cover letter, Sample models, blank project template
Link to the project back page  > PAGE 2 COUNTRY PROJECT

1. TITLE: Include your name and the name of the country.
2. IDENTIFY the continent and hemisphere and insert a MAP showing where the country is located in the world.
3. RESEARCH* 1 or 2 points / per category: “Climate”, “Food”, “Clothing”, “Housing”, “Animals” 
4. Note the SOURCE of the information at the bottom of the sheet. (“Google Search”**)
*See class models, following the cover letter, in first link.* 
** Parents ~ please support, guide and supervise your child whenever children are researching online.** 

5. Google Slides presentation to teach the class about their country. (See previous post > for instructions on how to do this - Archive on the right side of screen >)

Monday, April 13, 2020

WEEK 4 - APRIL 14 to 17 ~ FRENCH


Our theme for the month of April continues to focus on “Spring”/ “Le Printemps”,
~ the symbol of new life and renewal from the perspectives of seasonal change and Easter.

Joyeuses Pâques! Happy Easter!

Easter is the ultimate celebration when Jesus rose to Heaven.  As Spring unfolds, we can see life overcome death, reflected in all plant and animal life. Observe, explore and celebrate the signs of new life that surround us. 

Reading task: Read each French word 3 times each and teach them to someone.
Spring words are also listed under "Writing Task" below:
avril          avril  (April)
                 Joyeuses Pâques
(Happy Easter) 
le printemps
la nouvelle vie
(new life)
la pluie
la fleur
 le papillon      (butterfly)
le lapin
le nid 
parapluie (umbrella)
le poussin
le flaque d'eau
la tulipe

QUESTION WORDS:  Pourquoi? = why ?           Comment? = How?  

    (Double click on ^)        Qui? = Who?                    Où? = Where?

                          Quand? = When?              Combien? = How many?

Oral Activity:
Try to sing this> SONG about Spring: (Tune: Frère Jacques) <click link

En avril, en avril
la pluie tombe, la pluie tombe.
Les fleurs poussent, les fleurs poussent
C’est le printemps! C'est le printemps!

On dit « Salut », on dit "salut"
  à l’hiver, à l’hiver
Au revoir la neige, au revoir le froid.
Salut l’hiver! Salut l'hiver!

On dit "Bonjour", on dit bonjour
au soleil, au soleil!
Bonjour la pluie, bonjour la pluie
et la nouvelle vie, et la nouvelle vie.

Verb sentence-starters we know: (Orally practice using a puppet or stuffed animal.)
Je suis (I am), J'ai (I have), J'aime (I like), Je peux (I can), Je veux (I want), 
Je vois (I see), Je joue (I play), Je vais (I go), Je fais (I do/make/build)

CHALLENGE: Try to say a complete sentence with some or all of them!
Je joue sur l'herbe. / J'ai deux fleurs. / Je suis contente au printemps!

Writing task

Here are some Spring words:
l'oiseau (bird), le papillon (butterfly), la fleur (flower) la tulipe (tulip)
le lapin (rabbit), le cerf-volant (kite), la flaque d'eau (puddle)
le soleil (sun), la pluie (rain), les bottes de pluie (rain boots) l’imperméable (raincoat), le parapluie (umbrella), la feuille (leaf),
le nid (nest), l'oiseau (bird) l'herbe (grass),
le poussin (chick), l'oeuf (egg), la jonquille (daffodil)

 Create 4-5 sentences using "C'est" or "Ce sont" and add a colour word.  

C’est___ ___. (This is__.)       ~ or ~      Ce sont ___ ___. (These are__.) 

EXAMPLES:  "C'est de l'herbe verte." or "Ce sont des papillons bleus.”
(Remember to add an "e" if the noun is a "la" = feminine word__. And add an "s" if it is plural.)