Friday, November 13, 2020

The WORLD ~ Social Studies basics


                                            LE MONDE


1. Continue to practice: 7 continents, 4/5 oceans

2. Identify both poles & hemispheres and the equator (Pôle Nord, Pôle Sud, Hémisphère Nord, Hémisphère Sud, l'équateur)

3. Memorize and understand how to identify the cardinal directions
Nord, Est, Sud, Ouest + Nord-Est (N.E.), Sud-Est (S.E.), Sud-Ouest (S.O.), Nord-Ouest (N.O.)
- The sun RISES (se lève) in the East = Est
- The sun SETS (se couche) in the West = Ouest
- The sun shines at noon (midi) above in the South = Sud
- The sun never shines from the North = Nord

- Here is some interesting information - optional EXTRA info

Où habites-tu? ~ Where do you live?

 Où habites-tu? ~

Please learn and identify where you live > include house number, street name, community, city, province, country, continent, & planet name.

The worksheet has two columns to be filled in. The first column is for the word in French* for each of the aspects of where you live. (*This focuses on French vocabulary.)
The 2nd column is for the actual name.
(Study these answers below and then fill in the linked worksheet at the bottom.)

house = la maison ~ # ?
street = la rue ~ street name ?
community = la communauté ~ Kanata or Stittsville
city = la ville ~ Ottawa
province = la province ~ Ontario
country = le pays ~ le Canada
continent = le continent ~ l'Amerique du Nord
planet = la planete ~ La Terre (Earth)

To do:
Où habites-tu? < link to the worksheet